Colin’s Garage

Farm Buildings, Rosemary

See directions

Colin’s Garage has provided a professional and reliable service on St Helena for over 30 years. This includes:

MOT Servicing –  Hassle-free, annual MOT service. We will prepare customers’ vehicles for MOT, arrange inspection centre appointment and return the car ready to drive.

Vehicles Arriving on St Helena – complete service of collection at wharf, organising MOT check and road license, so vehicle is ready to be driven by the customer.

Auto Repairs – mechanical and body repairs, from most minor repairs such as changing a light bulb, to electronic diagnostics.

Roadside Assistance – Out-of-hours breakdown support.

Call-out mobile: 61221 / 65335

Importing – Sourcing, procuring and import of parts, spares and vehicles for re-sale. Email Here.

School Bus Service – Colin’s Garage operates the island’s school bus service. Enquiries by PHONE for details.

Garage opening hours:

Mon to Fri, 8am – 5pm

Advance booking for MOT and importing vehicles is recommended.