
Written on 12/05/2021
Inside St Helena


Island numbers from 7 Feb 2021 (Census night).

Resident population: 4,439, of which total St Helenian population was 4,114.

Number of households: 1,937.

Average household size: 2.3 persons.

Average age: 46.9 years

Population aged 65 and over: 26% (1,087).

The old-age dependency ratio is 44, UK is 29 and Japan is the only other country with a higher ratio of 47.

By District

HTH 1,034

St Pauls 928

Longwood 765

Jamestown 625

Alarm Forest 394

Levelwood 342

Sandy Bay 177

Blue Hill 174

Births & Deaths

In the year Feb 2020 – Jan 2021, 31 births were registered, and 51 deaths.


St Helenians are predominantly descendants of English settlers, slaves from West Africa, Madagascar, Bengal and Asia, and Chinese indentured workers.