Weather on St Helena

Written on 14/05/2021
Inside St Helena

Nothing Extreme

Situated in the tropics our climate is warm and tempered by the south easterly trade winds.  We do not suffer extreme weather and temperatures can range from 10 – 34C, winter (2011) to summer.  

The weather across the island can vary considerably; drier and 5-6 degrees warmer in low lying Jamestown to wetter and cooler inland at St Pauls.


Seasonal Temperatures

Being in the southern hemisphere our seasons are opposite to the north.

Spring: 22 Sep to 21 Dec (13 – 22C)

Summer: 22 Dec to 21 Mar (15 – 34C)

Autumn: 22 Mar to 21 Jun (14 -30C)

Winter: 22 Jun to 21 Sep (13 – 24C)